News Featured
Monitor Herds for Johne’s by milk recording
Monitoring herds for Johne's disease using milk recording is an essential part of early detection and management of the disease in dairy herds. Read more...
Williams & Ridgway, Clovers Farm, Haverfordwest
Moira Ridgway is the fourth generation to have farmed at Clovers Farm, Haverfordwest, following in the footsteps of her great grandad who purchased the farm in 1898. Read more..
TA & ML Jackson & Daughters, Dumfries
The pedigree herd of Andrew and Michelle Jackson and Daughters in Holywood, Dumfries currently comprises of 355 Holsteins and 25 Jerseys. Read more..
BVD Testing for Herds
The most effective way to detect BVD in a herd is by looking for exposure to the BVD virus by measuring antibody levels in bulk milk, individual cow milk or blood samples from cows
Pin Point High Cell Count to Avoid Penalties
Testing milk samples from dairy cows helps pinpoint the high cell count cows in the herd to avoid milk buyer penalties. Read more..
Farmer Focus: Duncan Hughes, Staffordshire
Duncan Hughes farms in the Staffordshire moorlands, milking 100 pedigree Holsteins averaging 9500 litres at 4% butterfat. Read more..