CIS Laboratory

An ICAR and UKAS accredited laboratory using innovative state of the art equipment ensuring milk recorded samples are analysed uniformly extracting a wealth of information. Results help make strategic decisions about individual cows or the whole herd. Find out more... 


09 May 2019

Farmer Focus: M R Morris-Eyton, Beckside Farm, Cumbria

The Morris-Eyton family have been farming at Beckside Farm for over 300 years and currently have a 250 herd of Pedigree Holsteins and 800 sheep. The herd are on the Pedigree Comple

09 May 2019

Farmer Focus: FJ & M Mattinson, Rosewain Farm, Cumbria

The Mattinson family is the oldest farming family name in Cumbria, going back many generations and still going strong today and into the future. Twin sons Philip and James with pa