09:00AM - 05:00PM
Darnlaw, Auchenleck, Ayrshire.
The Sloan family will hold their Gold Cup Open Day on Thursday 5 August 2021, at the farm in Auchinleck, Ayrshire, after the Covid-19 pandemic prevented the event from previously taking place.
The day will be one of the first opportunities for the dairy industry to meet since the start of the pandemic in March 2020, celebrating excellence and management efficiency, and showcasing the very best of the sector. Mr Sloan says it is a privilege to still be able to host an open day after recent events. "With the Covid pandemic preventing our last two provisional open day dates going ahead it's a real bonus that there's still an opportunity to showcase the farm to the industry. We're looking forward to welcoming visitors to have a look around and hear from some of our partners who have played an instrumental role in getting us to where we are now."
The open day, principally sponsored by Lely, will showcase both the Holstein and Jersey herds and the farm's newest technology. It will also focus on how the family have embraced new opportunities to ensure success as a profitable dairy business. Kite Consulting will also continue its sponsorship of breakfast bacon rolls for visitors on arrival. For further information please call 02476 639317 or email victoriaingram@rabdf.co.uk
This event is subject to COVID-19 Government guidance which will be reviewed on an ongoing basis.